Friday, January 26, 2007

Paladin test

The time has come at last for me to take on Maat's challenge. I got my test when I was on Bastok mission a couple of days ago and gave it to him. He said he will be waiting for me in some remote location where we won't get disturbed. I got teleported to the prepared arena mad had set up. I meditated about all I had accomplished till this very day and all that I'm still going to do after this challenge and charged at Maat.Face to face in the the cold arena Maat awaited patiently, surprised that I showed up. I started by flashing him to show him my proficiency on divined magic, but he did the same to me, he is using the same job as I am! No matter I stood fast in my determination to prove to him all the adventuring had paid off. Between healing, parrying his flurry of punches and kicks, he tried to sucker punch me with a Maat' blow as it calls it and dragon kicks to drop me to me knees, but I endure it all.Was the most exciting match I've had in a long time part of it because you have to it it all by yourself. I'm just glad I managed to teach that old hume that my adventuring days are far from over, that there is so much more to see and do in this great world that is Vana'diel. Now I can't wait till I'm more more powerful and can use that sexy adaman armor that is on display on my mannequin.... gotta get back to polish it some more....


Jeangallo said...

congrats and its called wardrobe you can get it at you can change your race and all your cloths now you can look like a gm

Katsumoto said...

congratulations cold :)
way to kick maat's ass

Titan said...

Nice job man

Hyourin said...

conga rats cold!

though Feb. is starting to look like a very busy month for me, i'll somehow manage to find time to meet your pld excellence!
