A normal day gets interrupted by the news of strange portals that looks like mouth across Vana'diel. Daeana and I decided to investigate the matter and notify the autorities about it. We found one near Bastok but after a while we decided that that one wasn't working at the moment. News reached us that there was one in Sauromugue Champaing and it was swallowing any adventurer that got near it. We arrieved at the portal and as soon as Daeana got near she was swallowed by it ,took me by surprise and it did the same to me afterwards.

A swirl of color, strange floating thing and falling to the abyss was what I remember when I recovered. I found myself in a place that resembled Batallia Downs but it was weird, there were fortifications and towers unlike the place I'm used to see. Right there it hit me, Daeana and I were separated, I had to look for her. While I searched for Daeana I noticed a strange colored tiger, I had to fight it ofcourse. It wasn't that hard but I can tell monsters here are a bit stronger than in other places.

I kept looking for Daeana and passed near a tower, then suddenly a bunch of Elvaan royal guards passed by me and began attacking the tower doing Banish II it too, after they had their fun they all warped out.

When I was near Rolanberry Fields I heard a familiar voice, Daeana was shouting to me to grab my attention, seems like she was alright. We began to look around the area, looking at all the structures and war machinery too, then we decided on going to Garlaige Citadel.

When we reached Royalberry Fields we saw a pixie, it was really cute and engaged in battle with a little tarutaru Blackmage. It seemed the little mage was having trouble, the pixie has magic resistance, so we helped him. He was very thankful.

We continued onward to Sauromugue Campaing and I had the feeling i was followed, when I looked back this little mandragora was flapping it twigs around me looking at me with this expression of amazement. It was really weird.

We finally reached our destination, when I enter the citadel I was surprised to see that it was a military bunker. I managed to gather info and now I know about the war between the beastman and the people of Vana'diel, the citadel is a strategic point in the campaign. After helping on an attack on the citadel Daeana and I decided to visit the other strongholds. We were told there was one in Crawler's Nest and The Eldieme Necropolis. We visited Crawler's Nest, wish is not that different from what I remember, there I talk to a tarutaru that say I should join the Cobras an organization for the Windurst campaign, he gave me an invitation for me to give to someone in Windurst. Next we head out to The Eldieme Necropolis, while we were on our way I looked to the sky and just noticed the strange comet. Looks like an evil omen.

The Necropolis didn't looked like a place where the undead roam but still looks like a tomb. Here we were attacked by the Orcish horde. Poor Daeana got knocked down a lot. I looked around and saw a couple of undead elvaans and stopped right there, went back because I wasn't ready for fighting at the moment. On my way back I saw a strange barrier, I wondered what is that used for. Soon after Daeana decided to stay and help the ones in the Necropolis, I wanted to go to Windurst and join the Cobras...

To be continued...