Thursday, March 8, 2007

Greed kills

called me to help Today I was adventuring as a Paladin and after getting my well earned experience RoninhiroishiSachiel looking for a coffer key at Beadeaux. I switched to my Thief job and went there, been a Thief I look for coffers and treasure chest as soon as I get to places. I found the chest opened and got gil which was good, but then I saw in the distance a quadav Ga'Bhu Unvanquished. I engaged, but soon realized I brought the wrong bolts for my crossbow and things got hairy real fast. I used my reraise earring because I realized the inevitable was coming. Still groggy after getting up I found Sachiel, Roninhiroishi and Algol another Samurai already on the search for the key. I didn't learned anything from the last encounter and started searching for the coffer because everytime I go there I found it but never get to open. I found it and opened it but got attacked by three quadavs and a Firaga III knocked me down. Sachiel was going to raise me but got knocked down bringing the search party to an end. I feel so bad for messing up the run, I'll help them again when they decide to go back again.

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