Monday, March 5, 2007

A Krile moment!

Today some friends decided to visit me to my humble house in Bastok and because I had to do the host thing I couldn't do some adventuring or help my linkshell. Still I heard something at the Bastok tavern, that was very interesting and funny. Roninhiroishi was talking to me the other day about how he wanted to kill a notorious dragon Guivre that roams Kuftal tunnel for it skull, because it can be crafted into some helm that he needed. I told him that it was a great idea and that he had my full support and to count on me to help him on that. Turns out the day was today for that, because Guivre was sighted in the area. The bartender told me that almost two parties from the Moogle Army were there with Hiroishi including Krile. They fought the dragon and put up a good fight but all got knocked down at nearly 20%. They tried a second time and this time they were doing a lot better but someone got aggroed by another monster while they were fighting. Krile thought it was a good idea to call for help on the other monster but he didn't knew that by doing that will nullify the skull drop on the dragon. I was sad when I heard of this, Hiroishi must have been very angry and disappointed, Krile had the best intentions but should know that calling for help would do that by now.

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