Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Kiba's task

Kiba is training as a Bluemage and the Immortals sent him on a task to kill a soulflayer at the Alzadaal Undersea Ruins. Doctordub, Kiris, Aricelia, Bermont, Darkwarrior, Krile and me offered to help Kiba on this task. Kiris and Aricelia decided to use the runic portal and be close to Nashmau but they were attacked by chigoes in Caedarva Mire. Krile tried to help them but got knocked down too. After the rescue we all went to the ruins with not much trouble and prepared for battle. The Nephionic Soulflayer came out of nowhere, like a predator hunting for its prey it was waiting for the right moment to strike and kill us all. It was casting black magic and protected by a forcefield that bounces magic.We were doing great, I had the hideous creature attention and it seemed tired from the fight about to collapse from the wounds we had inflicted on it. When all of the sudden I hear a voice from behind: "Burn you monster, Fire", it was Krile casting a spell. All was in slow motion as I yell "NOOOOOO", I couldn't stop it the last incantation was said and there was no way Krile could stop herself from casting, the fire spell hits the forcefield and reflected back to us. The spell was very powerful, one by one we fell from the extreme heat and fire burning us, melting our armor.
Too tired from the fight and the burns I couldn't fight any more for the time being and had to be taken to the Upper Jeuno infirmary, when I recovered my senses Krile was waiting for me. She told me that everyone got back up and tried a second time and killed the monster. I was so happy that Kiba was able to finish his task and getting his last piece of artifact armor the Bluemage headgear plus they gave him the tittle of paragon of Bluemage excellence. Congratulations Kiba!