Saturday, April 21, 2007

Yinyang troubles

Bermont loves his summoner job and he has set his mind in getting a nice piece of equipment for it, the Yinyang Robe. The thing is the notorious monster Shikigami has it and a lot of adventurers wants it too. Daily they gather at Ro'Maeve where Shikigami roams invisible to the naked eye stalking and attacking anyone who foolishly casts magic around it. For the past couple of days we fought it but luck hasn't been on our side.First time we didn't found the robe after we killed it, that was disappointing. The second time we managed to engage it but didn't survived on account of another monster that was attacking another party. They didn't killed it and we couldn't attack it cause it was their claim, somehow it aggroed us and knocked us down. Another party killed it afterward and got the drop. Third time is the charm as they say.... but not so much for us. We fought it again but this time I didn't lured it to a safer spot so additional aggro killed us. I felt so bad, we had it that time. The day after I got the news that Moogle Army helped Bermont get the claim and found the Yinyang robe at last, congratulations Bermont!

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