Monday, January 1, 2007

Charming Trio

I'm collection mannequin part for a quest and I only need my mannequin hands to finish it. But buying the parts is expensive so I've decided to try a burning circle fight. Katsumoto and Ryshin from Moogle Army joined the fight. The plan was to kill three leeches to find a chest with my mannequin part, Katsumoto tried to sleep them but they resisted so he had two beating him up while we whack at one... it didn't work out. We tried again, this time each took a leech and I managed to kill mine when I went to help the others I saw Ryshin knocked out and Katsumoto struggling while two leeches beat him up. Katsumoto goes down, I have to leeches beating me up sucking the life out of me....another leech down, now only one more to go....out of Hi-potions...10% to go come on...leech drains my life away...I'm knocked out. I'll try someday again soon, I'm sure next time we will win. Special thanks for Katsumoto and Ryshin for offering to help me on this.

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