Saturday, December 30, 2006

Empty Dimension

While I was helping the good citizens of Bastok, I get this call from Krile about a call to arms fighting in another dimension. I jumped to the opportunity and decided to help. The plan was to get into the crags of Holla and Mea and kill some notorious monsters there.
An alliance of brave adventurers including Carthage from the Moogle Army gathered at the crag of Holla and we got into the dimension and fought our way in there till we got to the Spire. Only a couple of knockdowns in last floor but we were ok. We fought the boss and had a bit of trouble, he slept us a couple of times and our Whitemage Langdon got knocked out a couple of time but his perseverance and dedication got us the win. Next one was the Crag of Mea, all made it to the top floor with out much problems. We fought the boss but as he was nearly dead he started doing some nasty knock back attacks and messed the astral flow of the Summoner and he knock us down with no means on getting back up to fight and he was at 1% HP that's a bummer. Some other day I'll get back and fight that monstrosity again and show it who's the boss.

1 comment:

roccoj said...

Cool at least you only need mea now to get past that chapter.Let me know when you wanna do it again ill use smn and diamond dust the little bastard with shiva.