Tuesday, December 19, 2006

The Sukesada Hunt

In the kingdom of San d'Oria, beneath the Chateau d'Oraguille lies the Bostaunieux prison. In ages past was a cruel way to dispose of criminals dropping them thru a trap door and leaving them to starve there but today is place infected by monsters and the undead. Legends and Bards tell about a great katana hidden deep withing the dreaded dungeon a katana only Samurais can touch, the Sukesada. Whitmage Kyssandra of the MoogleArmy have heard the stories and was very interested in helping Hiroishi try to get the katana.
Thief Cyaan, my friend Krile and I decided to join and gathered together at the Chateau lobby to then meet Blackmages Arcaus and Mercades who were already searching inside. All was well at first, but the place has a lot of traps and when members of the party fell thru one of those all hell broke loose. Monsters attacking left and right, members getting knockout over and over again, chaos reigned supreme.After regrouping we managed to get to the place on the map were the katana was believed to be when we got attack by a strong notorious monster, undead hound Shii. It knocked Hiroishi but we managed to scared it away and found the Sukesada but been an enchanted katana none of us could get it for him. Then Krile get the idea of casting tractor Hiroishi out of reach costing him the change of getting him his katana that night. Party had to go but we planed on going again in a couple of days. Monk Castador and Redmage Jeangallo were there this time but the Monk had to go. Soon enough Shii decided to show up and unleash hell on us as a way to repay the beating we gave it the other day. After all that Hiroishi decided to call off the hunt because it was giving more problems than benefits. Sukesada will stay in the dungeon waiting for other brave adventurers that dear to go in there looking for it. Sorry my friend hope on next hunt we can get you something nice with less problems than this one.

1 comment:

Mizuinu said...

Hiro u quitter!!! >.<