Thursday, December 7, 2006

Super Hyper Static Party

Vana'diel can be a tough place especially when it comes to finding fellow adventurers to form party's and get more proficient on your selected job. With this mentality in mind I decided to enlist the skills of some of my friends to reach the limits of our abilities in less time that it would putting a notice on the Merry Minstrel tavern or the Shararat tea house in Ah UrhganWhitegate. The elite adventuring unit consist of Roccoj: Whitemage extraordinaire, fellow Bastokan and Linkshell member. Roninhiroishi: masterless Samurai aka. TP machine friend of mine since I discovered him wandering the alleys of Bastok. Shows a lot of promise but gets distracted easily. Krile: cute tarutaru from the magical nation of Windurst so her magical abilities isn't in question, but she is the one filling our hearts with songs so we can do our jobs better. Darkwarrior: Dark Knight, raw power and strenght sometimes hurting himself to hurt the monsters. He couldn't be in this picture because he had other business at the moment. He became a friend of mine many moons ago when I helped him on some Windurst mission during the days of his training as a Warrior. And me: Paladin, the one that covers the others so they do their job better. Last spot can be filled with random adventurers that are willing to go hunting with us. Together we go on adventures everyday with our hopes of one day been the best doing our jobs and have fun doing it.


Kyssandra said...

<3 the picture of you 4 standing behind the fountain in ru'lude, looks very nice. And nice RP description of the static, good luck to you all

Titan said...

What lvl is your static at?