Thursday, December 7, 2006

Fellow Galkas Unite

While doing quests so I can get recognized as a helpful adventurer in San d'Oria and listening to the always entertaining chatting on my linkpearl I heard a linkshell member ask for help on getting a Crawlers Nest coffer key. His name is Bhaal and been a galka how can I refuse my kin some help. I decided to go as a Thief for its ability to find treasure and got Hiroishi and Krile to help and Bhaal hires a Ninja and some Whitemage. We go deep into the Crawlers Nest area and get to the place where the monsters that I don't know how, but seem to have swallowed a key or that it magically stored in one unlucky monster. The genocide begins as we took care of everything that moves in the area that in some cases the monsters stoped coming out of fear. One hour later we got the key and Bhaal looked for the coffer chest and found what he was looking for. We parted ways after we were done having fun, its always good to help a fellow adventurer from time to time.


Hyourin said...

Hey cold,

Do you want a Parade Gorget? I'm planning on getting one later this week/weekend.

Letme know 'kay.

Coldwind said...

Hey hyo, i have a parade gorget already but if you need help i can go help you. thanks for reminding me i had it so i can add it to my sweet gear list :D

Hyourin said...

You Cold trump meh in Paladin Excellence. XD

I'm also jealous of your Red Bird now.

Coldwind said...

lol dont be Hyo, if you want to raise a bird send me a tell and ill give you a chococard