Saturday, December 1, 2007

The dancing sensation

Recently I heard a lot about the Dancing job. The dancing troupe in Jeuno and its leader has been taking under its wing everyone who is willing to make a fool of himself in the San d'Oria tavern. I was one of those fools. The lure of a new job, plus the promise of learning new moves jumping and turning in the air was too difficult to ignore. I tried it for a bit and I know the job has great potential. But the sudden boom of new dancers will make it leveling because there are so many and I need to concentrate on Whitemage for my Beastmaster job.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Visiting the past, part 3

After I saw how Windurst was in the past I couldn't wait to visit the other cities and Bastok was my next target. My friend Roninhiroishi wanted to tag along. We began by going through Rolanberry Fields and reaching Pashhow Marshlands. The marshlands looked weird very blueish and with a lo of grass, flowers and monsters.

There were this lizard like monsters we never seen before, we had to fight one because I drew its attention to me. They petrify and potion so I let the Linkshell know to be careful about them.

After running around looking for a detour to Bastok because we knew the way to the highlands was blocked, we found the entrance to Grauberg. The place looks like the highlands but more like a forest in some parts, there was a waterfall which was very nice to see.

We reached North Gustaberg and to reach Bastok there is a neat ramp leading to the higher parts of Gustaberg. Too bad the passing of time destroyed the ramp, it would make traveling from Bastok to the highlands more easy. We entered Bastok Markets and noticed they are very prepared for war, nothing too surprising there. I was tired from all that walking and decided to rest my feet near the fountain but it was nowhere to be found, replaced by a tower.

After my short rest I was ready to go to San d'Oria next but in Jugner forest I took a wrong turn, reached a cave and thinking it was the way I entered it. Next something attacked me, it was a gnole protecting its lair. I was took by surprise and tried to defend myself but it was too strong for me I was knocked out. I decided to visit San d'Oria some other time, for now I have other stuff to do. Those silly Elvaans can wait.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Visiting the past, part 2

After all the running around in areas near past Jeuno I had a goal in mind: to join the Windurst Cobras. The Cobras is the Windurst campaign organization. I had a long road ahead of my since there is no chocobo service available. I traveled and reached Meriphataud Mountains, when I was going to reach Tahrongi Canyon the way was closed. It took me a while to find out where to go, lucky there was a cave that lead me to Fort Karugo-Narugo. This new area looked like the canyon but with more fortifications and more Yagudo running around.

I manage to find my way around, sneaking past all the yagudos and walking plants and reached a familiar area. West Sarutabaruta looks more greener and with a little more vegetation.

When i reached the Windurst gate all looked fine until...
I entered the city the view was shocking to me. The war has hit Windurst hard, some places were destroyed it is a sad gloomy place unlike the Windurst I know. After seeing the devastation I knew I had to join the Cobras for sure. I talked to some people around until I got to the Mithra in charge. They had a quest for me to prove my worth, I had to rub some ointment on the nearby towers and that was it. I was rewarded with a pair of sprinter's boots for my trouble. After doing that I can't wait till i do more quests but for now I need to visit other areas...

To be continued...

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Visiting the past, part 1

A normal day gets interrupted by the news of strange portals that looks like mouth across Vana'diel. Daeana and I decided to investigate the matter and notify the autorities about it. We found one near Bastok but after a while we decided that that one wasn't working at the moment. News reached us that there was one in Sauromugue Champaing and it was swallowing any adventurer that got near it. We arrieved at the portal and as soon as Daeana got near she was swallowed by it ,took me by surprise and it did the same to me afterwards.

A swirl of color, strange floating thing and falling to the abyss was what I remember when I recovered. I found myself in a place that resembled Batallia Downs but it was weird, there were fortifications and towers unlike the place I'm used to see. Right there it hit me, Daeana and I were separated, I had to look for her. While I searched for Daeana I noticed a strange colored tiger, I had to fight it ofcourse. It wasn't that hard but I can tell monsters here are a bit stronger than in other places.

I kept looking for Daeana and passed near a tower, then suddenly a bunch of Elvaan royal guards passed by me and began attacking the tower doing Banish II it too, after they had their fun they all warped out.
When I was near Rolanberry Fields I heard a familiar voice, Daeana was shouting to me to grab my attention, seems like she was alright. We began to look around the area, looking at all the structures and war machinery too, then we decided on going to Garlaige Citadel.

When we reached Royalberry Fields we saw a pixie, it was really cute and engaged in battle with a little tarutaru Blackmage. It seemed the little mage was having trouble, the pixie has magic resistance, so we helped him. He was very thankful.

We continued onward to Sauromugue Campaing and I had the feeling i was followed, when I looked back this little mandragora was flapping it twigs around me looking at me with this expression of amazement. It was really weird.

We finally reached our destination, when I enter the citadel I was surprised to see that it was a military bunker. I managed to gather info and now I know about the war between the beastman and the people of Vana'diel, the citadel is a strategic point in the campaign. After helping on an attack on the citadel Daeana and I decided to visit the other strongholds. We were told there was one in Crawler's Nest and The Eldieme Necropolis. We visited Crawler's Nest, wish is not that different from what I remember, there I talk to a tarutaru that say I should join the Cobras an organization for the Windurst campaign, he gave me an invitation for me to give to someone in Windurst. Next we head out to The Eldieme Necropolis, while we were on our way I looked to the sky and just noticed the strange comet. Looks like an evil omen.

The Necropolis didn't looked like a place where the undead roam but still looks like a tomb. Here we were attacked by the Orcish horde. Poor Daeana got knocked down a lot. I looked around and saw a couple of undead elvaans and stopped right there, went back because I wasn't ready for fighting at the moment. On my way back I saw a strange barrier, I wondered what is that used for. Soon after Daeana decided to stay and help the ones in the Necropolis, I wanted to go to Windurst and join the Cobras...
To be continued...

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Arrival at Jeuno

I arrived at Jeuno and I began to look around, just checking what was different. I quickly found nothing much has changed. That doesn't mean nothing caught my attention though. In upper Jeuno there is a dancer troupe taking all the attention, everyone that was there was in a trance looking at them dance. There was a mithra and a galka dancing, yes a galka. The galka was not trying to do fancy moves like the mithra beside him but he was doing his moves gracefully. If they are doing this to convince others to join the troupe and become dancers too I can say they are doing a great job because I think dancer will be an interesting job to train. I can't see myself in the role but I'll see how the job in when Krile decides to train it, she trains all the jobs.

After I had fun with that a new linkshell member needed some assistance with a quest. She needed a Giddeus key but there was no one to help her. I wanted to meet this new member in person and jumped at the oportunity. Here name is Tala and she was a cute Whitemage. The quest didn't took too long I used my thief senses to find the key. She was very happy, so was I because I was able to help her.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Journey back home

The air is hot and suffocating, the burning sun cracks my skin. Each step I take going through the desert gets more difficult to take. While I travel I can't help think of all my friends and my Linkshell I left behind. All the thing we did together, the friendship, made me stop and think very hard.... right there I decided to postpone my journey and not endure the scorching heat and go back to my LS and friends, back home.

First thing I did was to visit my beloved town of Windurst. Not much have changed except that the grass got taller. Someone need to order some cardians to trim down the grass.

After checking my moghouse and get all my documents in order, I was going to visit Jeuno but there was one problem, I gave all my gil to Roninhiroishi. I spent a couple of hours searching the Windurst fountain in hope I could find some gil there to catch an airship. Good thing there was a guy in need of some assistance and after doing some errands delivering goods I got enough to afford a ticket. With a smile in my face and new renewed vigor I go to Jeuno in hope I meet up with my Linkshell and friends very soon. All I have to say is: It's good to be back!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

The journey of rebirth

There is a time when Galkas has to return to the place where he was born. Galkas are immortal but that doesn't mean our journey through life doesn't end at some point. My time in Vana'diel has come to an end, I'll go in my journey of rebirth and I can't say how long I'll be gone, or if some day I'll come back. One thing is for sure I enjoyed every single day, hour and minute I was in this world. A world where I met great friends, friends which made my stay more enjoyable. I make this entry so that if my memory gets wiped clean, somehow I get my hands on this journal, read the writing, look at the pictures and remember what I did and with who I was at the time, because I don't want to forget.

I remember how I wanted to be a dragoon, because like so many people I thought having a wyvern as a pet was cool. I had a lot of fun, I had a lot of free time on my hands too waiting in the dunes getting a nice tan.

I remember doing mission 2-3 with some members of the Radical Dreamers, Houzukimaru, Hyorin, Yukimu, I was impressed by the Shadow dragon at the time.

Getting help from Flotsam on mission 3-3, here is Flotsam fighting the three stooges. The poor taru got knockdown on my account, but still got the job done.

Meeting Hiroishi in north Gustaberg after been banished from San d'Oria, good thing for him because that place is terrible. He started as a Warrior but soon learned the way of the Samurai, his Elvaan ego increased ten fold afterwards.

Doing silly stuff in unexpected places like the time we spent in Korroloka tunnel just killing stuff because we could, I never forgot that day.

Becoming a Paladin to help others in everything I could.

Went to some nice places like the waterfall in Miseraux coast.

And did some cool mission like the last Bastok mission with the group you see here.

Reached the skies with a bunch of MoogleArmy members.

Got attacked by nasty creatures too.

The last thing I did was joining a party as a Beastmaster and have fun with my sheep and reach the level I could wear my last piece of artifact armor.

Just want to say to all the people that knew me.... Thank you. Thank you for been there in good and bad times. Thank you to the MoogleArmy linkshell for letting me be a part of it. And forgive me for my abrupt departure. God speed and god bless, hope to see you soon one day....

Monday, September 17, 2007

Big surprise

The other day I went to the Garlaige Citadel basement and was surprised by what I saw. Serket, a big scorpion was around the area. Some adventurers fought it but I'm just glad I got to see it with my own eyes.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Rampaging beast

I recently learned the axe technique Rampage while fighting bats and beetles in the Garlaige Citadel. Its really cool, I do double the amount of damage than my others axe skills and it will get better as I get stronger!

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Paragon of Beastmaster excellence

After a lot of training as a Beastmaster I was ready to endure the Artifact armor quests for Beastmaster. I was sent to Fei'yin and put the souls to rest of all the animals that fought in the crystal war. Jeangallo, Houzukimaru and Bermont helped me on the quest. It turned out the animals weren't too happy and a ghost attacked us. We took it down with no problems. A spirit of Galka Beastmaster talked to me about the how he lost his animal in the war and how sad he was about it. Then I had to look for a beast collar and to give to a monkey walking around in castle Oztroja. For all that I was rewarded with the beast boots.

The beast hands were crafted by the spirit of a crafter from the crystal war era. He told me I was to find a pair of old gauntlets, which I found in the crawlers nest. Then he told me to bring him ancient flames from Castle Zvahl. When I was about to get the flames a bomb attacks us but it was a very easy to defeat. After completing this quest the spirit told me there were other pieces of my beast armor in treasure coffers around the world. A couple of days later I had to go look for coffers to get my body and head pieces. I went to Beadeaux where my body piece was, I found the coffer but the quadav there were not to happy to see me get the treasure coffer there, I woke up in port Windurst but had the Beast surcoat still in my hands.

My next task was to go to the Eldieme Necropolis and use the tamers whistle near one of the tombs there. Roninhiroishi, Kyrek, Squeegie, Nephelim and Sachiel helped me on this quest. I started playing the tamers shistle and the eerie sound it produced send chills through my spine and before I knew and was ready for it a hound appeared with two tiger beasts. I ran out of there to where the others were and exited the necropolis in hope that the two beasts gave up and we only had to fight the hound, but it didn't worked like I was plaining. Good thing it wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be and we defeated it with no problems. Then the Galka Beastmaster appeared talking about taking over the world, I figured he was talking gibberish and was because of how much he missed his pet. I played the tamers whistle again and this time the little monkey I gave the collar appeared. This made the Galka stop after seeing his long time friend, master and beast reunited and ready to move on to the afterlife. For all that my reward was the beast trousers. My helm was deep in the Garliage Citadel and it was a very easy to find my coffer there. Now I have all the pieces, the only problem is that I can't use this great armor for now... my mannequin looks good on it though.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

The interview

When I was in Jeuno shopping for supplies I met Omael. He is interviewing some members of the MoogleArmy and he told me I was next. So we met at the Neptune's Spire inn in Lower Jeuno to have some rolanberry pie and coffe during the interview. You can go here to read it, hope you enjoy it.

Not alone anymore

Not a lot has passed in this last couple of days, I keep training as a Beastmaster battling goblins around the world with the occasional random monster from the area. I got invited to a group a couple of times and its surprising how many people don't know anything about the Beastmaster, for the most part I go alone having a lot of fun. Something caught my attention, lately more and more Beastmasters are roaming around the areas that I go to. Its cool that they are fellow Beasmasters training, not cool having to compete against them. I better take a break and get some things done for a while, like getting my artifact armor or training as a Whitemage so I can have my abilities up to date. I haven't use Whitemage as my subjob for a while and I have noticed its better for certain camps. It's better if I get those things done now so I don't have to worry about that later.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Barbaroi and some other stuff

I love the Beastmaster job and I've been getting stronger and stronger very fast. One day I was in upper Jeuno and Brutus the chocobo caretaker there told me one of his chocobos died. He told me he wanted to give a proper send off to the chocobo with a guiding bell that could be found at the Delkfutt tower. I had the great idea of going as a Thief but with as little clothing as possible and with some thief tools to open the treasure chest. After what felt like hours looking for the chest I finally found it, I kneel to open it and a trap triggers weakening me. I decide since I can't open the chest again in that state I should take a nap and rapidly felt asleep on the spot. Some strange sounds of what it sounded like a giggling goblin startle me and I snapped out of my sleep only to find a goblin bomb to my side. I didn't had time to react and the next thing I remembered was opening my eyes and getting out of the infirmary. I went back with the intent to get even with the little goblin but didn't found it, I found the treasure chest instead with no traps this time. I gave the bell to Brutus and he rewarded me with the Barbaroi axe, which is a great axe for Beastmaster.
Speaking of axes, Omael needed help fighting the Aquarius crab notorious monster for a very good axe. We took down the monster with only a couple of knockdowns and Omael got his axe. It's such a good axe that I think I'll get it for myself someday.

I tried Salvage too and I think is a fun thing to do with great organization. I hope I can do it again sometime.

Last but not least I helped Houzukimaru with a couple of Zilar missions fights so he can get sky access at last. After that it was back to Beastmaster for me.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Adamantking Usurpers

Last night I was having fun in East Altepa Desert as a Beastmaster and when I was about to go to Rabao to get some sleep Jeangallo sent me a message: "The Adamantking of the quadav has returned to the Beadeaux stronghold, come and help us." I ran as quickly as I could and used an outpost warp, gathered my gear and went to meet her there. Kyssandra, Cyaan, Aricelia and Mogwae were already there and waiting for my arrival but there was a problem, another linkshell was there too. Drittz and his Shinra ls were there too and planing on engaging the monster at any moment. While we were planning how to lure the monster the Shinra leader got impatient and provoked the whole room full of quadavs wiping his party and taking a couple of our own members in the process. Things got crazy for a bit but we let the quadavs calm a bit before engaging again. We were joined a bit later by Jedimasta and Elov. Cyaan was the one doing the luring and did a good job at it, we beat the monster with problems.We didn't found anything of value that I know off but thats not the point, fighting a monster like that was a great accomplishment. Great job everyone!

Monday, August 20, 2007

An amazing week

This past week has been one of the busiest weeks ever. It all started when I was training as a Beastmaster in East Altepa Desert when members of the MoogleArmy Jeangallo, Jedimasta, Quickswipe, Larien and Aricelia wanted to keep helping the Aht Urgan Empire and do some missions. We had to get to the Jade Sepulcher and fight a wivre riding mamool ja. An amazing fight and we won.
Next we had to go to Periquia and fight some Lamias but that was pretty easy. We then proceed to the cutter, a boat that took us to Talacca Cove. We entered the cove but were confronted by Gessho, the Ninja Yagudo, turns out our mercenary friend was a double agent of some sort. The fight looked like we had it won but then he ninjutsu and cloned himself and then proceed to do a kamikaze move exploding and taking out our mages. We will have a rematch soon.
A couple of days later I met my friend Byah near San'doria. He was in dire need of help because he wants to become a Dragoon.
I had a ton of fun toying with this dragon as is so easy but still a fun thing to do. I hope he enjoys his new job.A couple of hours later Aricelia needed to fight a tiger notorious monster in West Altepa Desert near some oasis. It was a test to Aricelia to see if she was worthy of the Groundstrike attack.
The end result: three down and a tiger dead, Aricelia, Roninhiroishi and I got knockdown but that comes with the job, Hiroishi always gets knockdown so I'm used to it. Congratulations Aricelia on your new awesome attack! Right after that my fellow Windurstians helped me on my last mission for Windrust.Battling cardians..manticores and a dragon is always fun. Took us a coulple of tries but we succeeded. Thank you guys, now I'm a proud rank ten Windurstian with a cool flag of the nation in my moghouse.Last but not least, rumors of the arrival of the queen of the Yagudos reached us. Vitrolant and Jedimasta went on ahead to the yagudo citadel to investigate and turned out to be true. Aricelia, Jeangallo and Larien joined them. We decided to engage using Larien's avatar Carbuncle but we couldn't fool the queen's bodyguards and we bit the dust. We got up and this time we were going to use one of us to lure them. The straws were given and I manage to pick the shortest one, but if you ask me I think it was fixed. I lured them to the bottom of the chamber and was pummeled to a pulp by a room full of yagudos for the greater good. The fight was going smoothly but the queen's avatar knocked out Jeangallo and Vitrolant fell soon after that. After two tries we decided we need more people to help. Gaiaxzero, Godofangels and Cyaan answer the call. Like everyone says, third time is the charm, and it certainly was. We found an awesome dagger, the daylight dagger, which everyone agreed to give to me. Thank you everyone!